Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 557)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 557)
the villages of ‘Ain Shibli, Frush Bet Dajan and Jiftlik. The
canal has its source ina stream from the Nablus mountains
and meanders down through Wadi Fara'a to Jiftlik where it is
transformed from a naturally running stream to a wo/man-made
canal system for purposes of irrigation and water
distribution. Unlike bore wells and the grid system, in which
the actual volume of water is tightly controlled, the canal
system is controlled by a time period, i.e. the farmer is
allowed a set number of hours of water over a given period
for the purposes of irrigation. This is rather problematic
since most farmers do not have anywhere to store the water
they are allotted and so the tendency is to use it all for
Table i: Aqriculitural Water Source by Agrarian Class
Water Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming- Total
source cropper shepherd Tenant landlord
Bore well 184 7 26 32 & 200
Canal/spr. 93 3 8 20 4 130
Grid 123 2 10 39 3 177
Other 1 1 - 1 - 3
Not asc. 4 44 - 11 1 60
Total 405 39 44 103 14 625
irrigation purposes. Often farmers, particulary if they are
not up-to-date with recent agronomic developments, have a
tendency to over water plants. This has the effect of making
them less productive. One possible way around this problem is
the construction of drip irrigation ponds to store water
until such times as it can be used most effectively and

549 LS,
Alex Pollock


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