Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 559)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 559)
Table 2: Do you Have an Alternative Source of Water Supply by
Aqrarian Class?
Alter. Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming~- Total
source cropper shepherd Tenant landlord
Yes 49 3 4 11 3 70
No 332 04 38 88 11 a
Not asc. 24 2 2 4 - 32
Total 405 39 44 103 14 625
As well as being restricted to existing water sources, more
than a third of peasant-farmers interviewed (36%) complained
that they suffered from water shortages (see Table 3). Again,
the problem of water shortages was not class specific as 39%
of sharecroppers, 10% of shepherds, 32% of cash tenants, 41%
of smallholders and 36% of farming-landlords said that they
suffered water shortages.
Table 3: Do you Suffer From Water Shortage by Agrarian Class?
Water Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming- Total
shortage cropper shepherd = Tenant landlord
Yes 139 6 14 42 3 226
No 198 7 28 4) re) 279
Not asc. 48 46 a 20 4 120
Total 405 09 44 103 14 625
Of those who suffered from water shortage, 41% claimed that
it was a perennial problem (see Table 4), while 25% claimed
Alex Pollock


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