Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 566)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 566)
We can see quite clearly that the region's landlords are the
predominant controllers of the region's ground-water
resources. This economic ownership can constitute a fairly
Significant and steady source of income from the farmers’ to
whom they rent. If the landlord owner is also a landlord with
share-tenants it is normally expected that s/he provides the
water for her/his tenants as part of the share-contract.
Table 7: Economic Owner of Canal/Spring By Agrarian Class
Gwner Share- Farming- Cash Smallholder Farming- Total
cropper shepherd Tenant landlord
Landlord 33 - 1 i - 39
Village 44 4 3 10 2 &3
Other 16 1 3 9 2 31
Not asc. - - 1 - ~ 1
Total 93 5 8 20 4 130
If we consider those farmers who get their water supply from
springs or the al Fara'a canal, a different picture emerges;
27% of farmers get their spring/canal water supply from
landlords who have economic ownership of this source, 49%
from village ownership and 24% from other owners (see Table
If we look at economic ownership of spring/canal water
sources we discover that, of those who get their water supply
from landlords, 94% are sharecroppers. However, only 36% of
sharecroppers, 13% of cash tenants, 5% of smallholders and no
557 f
Alex Pollock


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