Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 567)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 567)
farming-shepherds or farming-landlords get their water supply
from the regional landlords who have economic control of
spring/canal water sources. More farmers get their
spring/canal sources through village ownership than any other
source. Thus, 47% of sharecroppers, 80% of farming-shepherds,
38% of cash tenants, 45% of smallholders and 50% of farming-—
landiords get their supplies from village ownership.
The general trend is that sharecroppers are both absolutely
and relatively more dependent on landlords than any other
class category for their agricultural water supply, while
smallholders and farming shepherds are least dependent on
landlords for their water supply.
In this appendix I attempted to provide an extremely brief
outline of the importance of the hydrological question in
Zionist thinking and its impact on Israeli military strategy.
Control over water resources is just as central a factor in
the whole project of colonisation as is the contestation over
land. The question of control of water resources is likely to
be an even more important determinant in any "autonomy talks"
than the question of land, given the absolute importance of
securing adequate water resources for the Israeli economy. I
also attempted to look at the available sources of water use
Which Palestinian peasant farmers have access to at the
present time and also to look at the economic control of
these existing water resources and sources.
Alex Pollock


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