Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 568)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 568)
1. Sarah Graham-Brown, "The Economic Consequences of
Occupation" in Naseer Aruri, Ed., Occupation: Israel Over
Palestine (London, 1984), p.177.
2. Ibid. p.177.
3. They have, however, allowed farmers and herders to
construct catchment tanks which collect the run off from rain
water but this does not go anywhere towards meeting the needs
of adequate agricultural water supplies.
4. Military Government, Department of Agriculture, Monthly
Discharge of Underground Water in Tehuda and Shomron 1977/78,
quoted in Hisham Awartani, West bank Agriculture: A New
Outlook, (Nablus, 1978), p.8.
5. Ibrahim Matar, "Israeli Settlements and Palestinian
Rights", in Naseer Aruri, Ed., op. cit. p.129.
6. See ibid. p.1i29. Also, Tim Coone, "Worries Over West
Bank Water", Financial Times, (London), 22 Nov 1979.
7. For a detailed study and history of the political and
strategic importance of the riparian dispute, see, Miriam
Lowi, "The Politics of Water: The Jordan River and the
Riparian States", in McGill Studies in International
Development, No. 35 (1984). —
8. For an excellent but clear account for the layperson of
the hydrological aspects of the River Jordan, see. Thomas
Naff and Ruth C. Matson. Eds., Water _ in the Middle East
(Boulder, 1984), pp.17-62.
9. Ibid. p.27.
10. I should explain the reason for the high proportion of
Alex Pollock


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