The Dislocation and Reconstitution of a Peasantry (ص 103)
- عنوان
- The Dislocation and Reconstitution of a Peasantry (ص 103)
- المحتوى
e of wage labour in general and of t
IS more pronounced, both quantitatively |
r 3). longer Israeli occupatio
(see Chapte
Is aie | lO en 1 S a t} O n t O e eC SOMe e
expect these tendencie
The crucial factors as far as the structural
re the continued dependen
d regions 1s concerned,
wage earners in the populati
| bringing home wi
30 percent of the
alternative employment opportunities for them. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٣
- المنشئ
- Salim Tamari
Position: 28071 (4 views)