Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 10)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 10)
and social structures
occupation in
resources and technological change
2. Evaluation of infrastructure and institutional services
pearing on agricultural developent- Notable examples include
i marketin:
agricultural extension, cooperativess credit and marketing,
and also voluntary agencies involved in rural development.
4. Diagnosis of probleas which inpede a more vigorous growth
of agricultural production. This will include problems
precipitated by natural constraints as well as those which have
their roots in the nore unusual setting of the West Bank as an
under occupation.
4. A profitability analysis of major patterns of rainfed farming.
such analysis will help to
tain the relative profitability
of selected farming patterns, identify the major cost components,
and diagnose those production and marketing problems which hinder
a nore viable exploitation of available land and labour resources.
5+ Formilation of an agricultural development strategy which
development. The proposed projects will only be presented and
substantiated at a pre-feasibility level. More comprehensive
feasibility studies would have to be conducted for individual
projects prior to their implementation.
Mich of the discussion along the points outlined above under objectives
1, 2) 3p and 5 will deal with the broader perspective of agriculture
and rural development, whereas profitability analyses and development
proposals will be confined only to rainfed patterns of agriculture.
It is felt that irrigated farming sectors, though modest in acreage,
are important and complex enough to deserve an independent study.
For the purpose of this study, rainfed farming includes all types
of non-irrigated agriculture. As such it covers a wide range of
fruit trees and field crops, as well as livestock and poultry, but
does not deal much with citrus, banana and irrigated vegetables.
In October 1979 the researcher temporarily left his post at An-Najah
National University (Acting Chairman, Department of Economics) and
joined the School of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.
He was registered there as a research student working for a Ph.D in
rural development under the supervision of Dr Paul Rogers. A few
months later, Mr Andrew Coulson of the Project Planning Centre at
Bradford University was requested to help as a second supervisor.
buring his first year of stay in Britain the researcher made a
thorough review of pertinent literature and attended a number of
courses. Besides making full use of the facilities available at
Bradford University, the researcher visited several British universities
and centres of oriental studi
During the course of the first year
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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