Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 12)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 12)
- المحتوى
at the Anerican University
{cultural Boonomics is
the Department of
of Beirut in August 1964+
«commissioned by the Jordan Developme:
In 1968 the researcher "9:
° 1 of the Bast Ghor Rural
with the help of eight field interviewers,
ample of 220 farmers (about 7 Per cent
Development Project
it was possible to reach a
of total in the area). Sampled respondents were selected at random
by picking every fifteenth nane on the Land Registry list. The
report on that study was published by the Cooperative Institute in
In the present study, after a preliminary investigation of the
relative significance of various types of rainfed farming it was
decided to conduct profitability analyses for olives, almonds,
grapes, wheat, barley, chickpeas, lentils, melons, sheep, cows,
broilers and egg farms. Ideally it would have been preferable to
select a sample which adequately accounted for variations in such
attributes as size of farm, educational level of owners, and geographic
distribution. But this was not strictly adhered to in this study.
In the first place it was not int
ended to be a full:
Yy-fledged cost
benefit study.
study. It only aimed, in this connection, at presenting a
fairly realistic picture
of the profitabi1i
‘ty of those types of
farming which constituted
the backbone of
West Bank
agriculture, rainfed
More important, however,
it was x
zed that the selection of a
1. Hisham Avartani,
iiiincae: rican OE ERE and Brotters in Jordan,
+ Amer, and
a ‘can University of proilers in Jordan,
fetta Awartant, Pr nut, 1964).
Development Pr on
Fe, lenin; Gast 2 the East Ghor ural
‘ative Institute, 1968) «
large randomized sample lead to unusual problems arising from the fact
that the Military Administration in the West Rank is excessively
sensitive to all uncensored dealings with local communi tie:
Headquarters, which is not, in practice, granted for an Arab.
Infringements are likely to be taken seriously. A striking precedent
present researcher) was detained for three months for "illegal activitii
In view of tangible security constraints, the researcher selected his
sample of farmers in a way which would insure proper representation
of just the dominant production trends in respective sectorss taking
into consideration the obvious regional concentration of certain
types of farming (over 90% of grains are produced in the Jenin disrict
By the end of the sumer of 1981 the researcher had interviewed for the
profitability part of the study a sample of 120 farmers distributed as follows
I. Fruit Trees Number of Farmers
Olives 25
Grapes 1s
Almonds 10
Total so
II. Field Crops and Vegetables
Wheat 10
Barley 5 |
Chickpeas 5
Lentils . 5 |
Melons 10
Total 35 |
TIT. Livestock and Poultry |
Sheep (scavenger grazing) 10 |
Dairy cattle s |
Broiler farms 10
Egg farms 10
Total 35 |
Grand Total 120
form of social research requires a prior permit from the Military
set in 1978 when a field interviewer (who was working for the
70% of grapes are grown in the Hebron-Bethlehem belt). - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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