Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 88)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 88)
conetvsons ions which can be dravn
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The foliving is 8 = supportive institutions,
sg ne tpi esi oF HA
in the Tht
‘action acadenical
nage ant ghar eBuntion systems 28 ceili
1. Pre
na thy in pene cf uate ratevance 10 tht
ociente 8
a In contrast, the
evetopoent meds of te west fark Steelfs
ce sensitive to the needs of
‘educational systen bas been
and beinitiated a sustained exodus
eightouring countriety
cof Antetlectusls during the past three decades
" mural Institutes
2. The role of the Khadourle and Atzroub Agriculth
tn tacititating agricultural development in the West Bank is
Linited, and ft has becone even nore so under Israeli
in developing
This 1s due
3. Likewise, the role of agricultural college graduate
‘est park: agriculture hasbeen also insignificant.
sminly to their excessively acadenfc background and the lack
of pre-service training opportunities.
‘Aaticurtural extension and research
‘Extension services have teen severely rediced, whether through
SHts in staff or working budget. By 1981, extension offices
‘ere concerned very largely with sectors serving Teraeli,
Plaming of agriculture is effected by the Military Command
And priocity Ss given
48 alven to protect and enhance the economic and
PoULteal interests of Tarte itaett,
1, Agricultural cooperatives fatied to play an active role prior
0 occupation, mimly due to inefticiency and ineffective
sovernment policies, But in addition to that there seems an
intrinsic reticence anong rural communities in the West Bank
0 engage in group work,
2. Cooperatives during the post-occupation era were confronted
ith complex problems which resulted in a miniaizing of their
role in accelerating agricultural development. These included
‘trict and comprehensive control measures enforced by the
Miliary Adwinistration. pre recently, Inraeli authorities
have begun to conceive of cooperatives ax a potential powers
which might eventually play a political role substituting that
of the PLO, At the same tine Israel. displays Little interest
in seeing cooperatives help meaber farmers actually expand
their production base.
3. pespite their extermlly-inposed political imge and their
inefficient record, cooperatives can and should play a more
This stems
vigorous role in developing West Bark agriculture,
rom the fact that cooperatives are among the few options open
stance to farmers
to channel financial aid ant technical a
under Israeli occupation,
Yeluneary agenct
1. ost voluntary agencies operating on the Wert Bark are affiliated
An various ways to sectors of the US Government. Tt appears
foment of trying
‘though that they axe entrusted with the
to balance the pro-israel policies practiced by the US
a whole.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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