Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 94)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 94)
Table (v - 4)
Dietary levels in the West Bank and
Baily food intake West Bal ws
1979 1979 West Bank ratio
1970 wo
to Israel (%)
Energy - calories 2550 2833 20:
4 84
Total protein-grams 75.2 81.2 96
50.3 42
Animal protein - grams 1762 21.1
Pat - grams 61.4 70.8 113.5 62
Source: (1) Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op. cit-, p- 687, 278.
(2) Statistical Abstract of Israel 1972, - cit., p. 655.
Statistical Abstract of “sacs ~-"< op. ¢:
A similar rise has also been witnessed in the ownership of major
household amenities. In addition to higher income, this has been
further facilitated by the extensive dissemination of electric power
Produced by small generators. Table (V - 5) shows that the rise in
household amenities has covered rural and urban communities alike,
though a considerable gap still exists between the two.
Table (Vv - 5)
Households possessing certain amenities
(Percent of all households)
Villages Towns
1972 1979 1972 1979
Lay * *
“Ctrical or gas stove 3.2 11.3 22.5 35.2
Bectrical refrigerator 3.4 22.7 40.7 83.5
“Athing machine 2.6 5.9 41.0" 58.5
set 2.5 33.7 28.7 77.8
Por 1974,
Se? Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op. cit, p.689
The impact of the rising standard of living on the economic relations
between the West Bank and Israel seems to indicate a kind of colonial
cycle. Remittances of workers employed in Israel and imports of goods
and services from there account respectively for about 25% and 60% of
West Bank's GYP. Hut as more than 90 percent of imports are procurred
from Israel, West Bankers Syphon back to Israel all their wage earnings,
and probably much more. Obviously, such "affluence" is precarious
and does little to serve the long term interests of the West Bank itself.
Bpenditure, saving, and investment
Private consumption continued to rise, though with considerable fluctua-
tions, all through the seventies. This was utilized largely for
Supporting a steadily improving standard of living, rather than for
pital formation purposes. In fact investments on the average
Temained steady, despite alternate erratic fluctuations (see Table v - 6).
Total investment in fixed assets, including dwellings, averaged at
141% of total resources, as compared with a rate of around 20% in
Israey _)
kewi se, the rate of saving declined in recent years until it reached
“low Of 13% in 1979,” which again indicates a growing trend towards
‘ Sonsumer economy in which saving and investment are kept to a minimum,
Suplus Capital, as we shall see later, has in fact been consistently
Shame) ied out of the country for investment in Jordan, where rates of
™ are higher and government policies are much more favourable.
"distin cnt a
“tle Bregnan, The Economy of the Adwinistered Areas 1974-75
(nce , The of the Bank of Israel, 1976) p. 17.
TUsalem: Research Department in
° op. cit., p. 683.
rived from the Statistical Abstract of Israel 1960, cit., p
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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