Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 95)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 95)
Table (v_- 6)
Uses of resources (at 1968
Percent_annual_ change
IL mill.
1974 1975 1976 1977-1978
u75 ao —s
Private consumption 696 7 10 2 4 8
vernment consumption
&pendi ture 7 -1 3 1 - 6
Gross investment 222 -27 28 - 37 -10
®ports of goods and
Services. 203 22 14 -8 32 -6
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op. cit, p. 680.
Public sector real operating expendi ture constitutes about 5% of usable
Fesources, as compared with 19% in Israel) and 20% in Jordan.~ In fact
Public spending has come to a virtual standstill ever since the early
*eventies when Israel plunged deeper into severe recession and high spiral
‘nflation rates. A comparison of per capita public spending and total
‘nvestnent in the West Bank, Israel and Jordan indicates a drastic
lag for the former in both criteria (see Table V - 7). This illustrates
“ very important feature of Israel's economic policies in the occupied
*rritories, namely, maintenance of public services there at bare
bai stence and avoidance of significant improvements in productive
“frastructu res.

Matiaticar Abstract of Iarael 1980, op. cit., p. 161.
Anuar Repo: 979) p» 8
xt of Jordan's Central Bank (Amman: Central Bank, 1 ) pe %
Table (V_- 7)
Per capita public expenditure and total investment
(in Pound Sterlings)
Public expenditure Public and private investment
West Bank (1971) 13 14
Israel (1971) 264 274
Jordan (1966) 53 38
Jordan (1971) 81 66
Source: Elizabeth Collard and R. Wilson, op. cit., p. 4 in a reprint
Of the study.
Sectoral Analysis
Sectoral analysis of the West Bank domestic and national product is
detailed in Table (V - 8). It is clear from available data that the
Stoss domestic product consists of two major sectors namely,
‘9riculture and business services, each contributing around one third
°f GOP, followed by construction (1%) public services (11%) and
industry (6x ).
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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