Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 100)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 100)
Rbte (v= 1)
Average exchange rates of the Israeli lund
Year Jordan Filg/ih depreciation Year JE/IL 8 depreciation
1m? 9s - 197004 20.6
ive n” 16.8 1977— 8.8
= 7s 5.1 197818 a9
= = 22.7 197912 33.3
ms os 13.5 19808 50.0
Source: Karsou Exchange Office, Nablus.
The aforesaid financial transformations have had grave consequences
©M the economy and labour market in the occupied territories. In
the first place they have precipitated a massive flow of capital to
Yordan and foreign money markets. ost businessmen and farmers
Tefrain from sinking large capital outlays in the occupied
territories, and instead they move them out where returns are higher
@Md investment is safer. Furthersore, many of the smaller businessmen
4fd artisans have found it more prudent to leave and join the less
Tisky and seemingly more remunerative labour market, The political
8M economic implications of this phenomenon are obviously grave.
Agricultural Income
Lay re_in the
The relative share of agricultural income in the GP has varied
From 30 to 40%, with an eleven year average of 34% (see Table V - 16).
Tt share in the GWP, on the other hand, was much lower and it
Averaged at 266 during the same Period. Despite being somewhat
lower than the ratios in mst under-developed countries, the shareof
Weg: i
t Bank agruculture in its Go is noticeably higher than in Jordan
1 &
and Israel (see Table V ~ 15),
Statistical analysis of secular trends in the relative share of
agricultural income points to a relatively stable proportion of the
GbP and a slowly declining proportion of GNP, Evidently, it will be
A long time before agriculture looses grounds to other production
Sectors in West Bank economy, despite the likelihood of a further
decline in its share in the GYP should remittances from labour
gain further momentum,
Role _(v = 15)
The relative share of agriculture in Gross Domestic Prodict (1979)
fof Ge Sof cor
Nest Bank = (27) United Kingdom 2
Yordan 8 West Germany 2
Syria 16 United States 3
Soypt 23 Israel 5
Sudan 38 USSR. 16
Surce: World Development Report 1981, op. cit., pp. 138 - 139,
Mua Muctuations in incone
Tncome originiating in agriculture (see Table V = 16) is
characterised by a marked degree of variation from year to year -
“ven after discounting for variations in prices. This is due to
bias Predominance of rainfed patterns of farming which are
Sharacterized by heavy dependence on climatic factors for a good
Vieig, While this applies to most field crops and fruit trees, it
‘s Particularly significant in the case of olives, which account for
Nagy of agricultural income and which are characterized by
“Xtreme periodicity.! Plotted on the basis of available data, Chart
1 mis relates mainly to the habit of alternate bearing which will
be discussed under the section on olives.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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