Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 101)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 101)
- المحتوى
rater ehngn im ageeutura Sesme
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aw = 1008 prone a oom 10m
+ vatue of agricutusal auent Lee the cost of purchased opts
+ partctura sncme
het pets converted to nara ruling exchange rates
Sources! siaistica Metcacts of feel, for tepetive yess primey Wl. 27, 1967, ps 8 and Vo
(Y= 1) shows © substantial drop in annual varlation of
variation of gross
agricultural incone, shen olives are excluded
Evidently, the pronounced variation in income received by farmer’
fn rainfed areas has grave economic consequences. Most importantly
it reduces their shock-absorbing capacity and renders then overly
conservative in accepting technological change,
ust (v
Ammual variations in agricultural incose
- aN: . 7 Including olives:
0 —/ 4S txeluding olives
“ET 7 7
The rate of growth in agricultural income is a highly controversial
Assue, Israeli sources, for instance, speak of a phenonenal growth
Fite which they say "is unparalleled in other countries," and
“fastest in the world',” Mich of this, the researcher believes, is
Faluation of gronth in agriculture rests on two major criteris
Ancome and physical output. Due to radical shifts in the price
“tructure, changes in income, a8 will be discussed later, do not
1 Moshe Levi, p+ cits Pe J+
> Cked “Farm Growth in the Areas ‘Fastest in the horld'",
Jerusalem Post, APF 16, 1976, Pe 1+ - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
Position: 18009 (5 views)