Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 102)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 102)
- المحتوى
q Furthernore,
ing changes in output.
Recessarily reflect corresponding
the accuracy of income and outpat estimates 15 shadowed
on tools and probable
by serious
bubts arising from unreliable collecti
Political motives. Nevertheless, the reported data may be relia
ough to indicate major trends.
Income from agriculture during 1969 - 79 rose in five years, at
an annual average of 46% and dropped in five at an average of 1%
Measuring the rate of growth on the basis of the average income for
1969 and 1970, as compared with the average of 1978 and 1979, we
Potice that income from agriculture (at 1968 prices) rose by 100%
during a period of nine years, i.e. at the rate of 11% per annum,
4 growth rate of that magnitude is undoubtedly high in international
Standards, and it compares favourably with most other developing
Sountries. Jordan, for instance, achieved a growth rate of 8.3%
uring 1960-66! which is also high in international standards
(see Table Vv - 17).
Annual growth rate in agriculture (1970-1978)
%_ growth rate Country % growth rate
India 2.6 Israel 6.6
Tanzania 4.5 Libya 12.7
opr 301 United Kingdom 0.8
ria 72 United States 0.9
Source: world Development Report 1960, op. cit., pp. 112-113.
Homever, the growth rate of agriculture post-occupation should be
* Yousef Abdul Haq, op. cit., p. 243.
scrutinized and interpreted more carefully than what is otherwise
indicated by official data. Again, there are Sétibus doubts
regarding the reliability of Official data. Many well informed
at the Bank of Israel.! Available data on physical output, as we
shall see later, raises many questions on the reliability of income
data. Most important there is a margin of upward bias resulting
from taking the interval immediately following occupation as a
base-line for measuring subsequent growth, since agriculture then
was still handicapped by the aftermath of the war.
In evaluating the growth rate of agricultural income, one has to
remember that West Rank agriculture was more Prosperous prior to
°ccupation than that of the Bast Bank, and it is reasonable to
Assume that its growth might have accelerated after 1967 had it not
fallen under occupation. With Jordan's agriculture achieving a growth
rate of over 8% during the seventies, the West Bank could well have
been even higher than under Israel.
To Conclude, income originating in agriculture has shown a high rate
°f growth, fut this was induced largely by a rapid rise in the
Productivity of certain high-price products and not by a general
"ee in aggregate output. The latter point will be discussed in a
later section. Indeed, the rate of growth in West Bank agriculture
‘Mdicated in the official statistics discussed here mst be treated
‘ith Caution. The next chapter discusses the major agricultural
“tors and gives, in some detail, a different perspective, one
“hich has been confirmed by the researcher's field work. The
{fferences cannot easily be fully explained in terms of differential
Ration rates in different sectors of the West Bank economy.
See footnote (1) on page (11). - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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