Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 104)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 104)
- المحتوى
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Agriculture in under-developed countries is characterized by
only in
Stereotyped socio-economic features which seem to vary only
magnitude, In most of these countries agriculture const
in the
4 major proportion of their domestic product, typically
f of
range of 30-40%, and provides employment for more than half o
the active labour force. Although it was indicated in previous
chapters that West Bank agriculture is not typical in either
Of these attributes, it nevertheless remains the most important
*€ctor for reasons bearing on the fundamental issues lying at
the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It 48 evident that vigorous West Bank agriculture entails an
extensive and deep attachment for absorbing an increasing number
°f repatriates when that is politically possible. Hoth of these
Points occupy a prominent position on the perceived list of
Strategic objectives for a national agricultural policy.
This chapter is intended to provide an overview of West Bank
“Sriculture. As such it compliments chapters III and IV covering
Other aspects of resource conflict.
S@ricul ture as a source of food supply
The Tole of West Bank agriculture as a source of food supply for
local Communities is no less important than its role in international
Wade. As is typical in most peasant forms of agriculture, the
Milk Of farm peoduce is conmmed by rural fantlies thensel ves
and Rearby rural commnities, leaving only surplus produce to be
Stamelied into export trade. This is clearly exemplified by the
fact that only 21% of the estimated value of agricultural output
for 1979 went into exports, and the rest was generated through local
handling of produce. !
The nutritional role of agriculture is undoubtedly substantial
and it could be defined through two major Parameters. First, it
aims at restraining excessive dependence on Israel for food
supply. According to available data (see Table VI-1) the West
Bank relies heavily on imports (practically all from Israel) to
meet the dietary needs of its resident population. In addition
to its important economic implications, such a tight nutritional
Subordination of the West Bank entails serious political hazards
°y offering Israel additional leverage in its dealing with any
forthcoming Palestinian authority.
Second, West Bank agriculture is not only expected to meet the
demand for food by its current population, but it will also have
*© cope with the expected sharp rise in the demand for food
Should Palestinian refugees be permitted to come back home in the
wake of a political settlement. As we shall see later in the
S€ction on objectives of agriculturel development, this might
use a sharp rise in the demand for food, perhaps in the range
°F Sox,
‘mother question on the nutritional role of agriculture stems
from the possibility of having certain forms of malnutrition.
“though West Bankers do not seem to suffer from undernutrition,
*S could be inferred from Table (VI-2), some of them do face a
1 =
* Gomputed from data on exports and agricultural income reported
in the statisti tract of op cit, pages 685 and 701.
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- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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