Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 105)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 105)
low intake of animal
Problem of malnutrition arising from their li
A rational
Protein, amunting only to 418 of that in Israel.
Agriceltaral policy should address itself to alleviate such
Walitative deficiencies.
Tale (er - 2)
Teestic consamption of major food items, by source - 1979
‘eat 87,32 29,700 =”
Feta 22,925 8,300 -_
Seger — __ 10
Wepetatte 113,900 140,900 126
Stes 43,500 73,100 180
Rive os2 7,600 20,000" 13k
jaces 24,100 45,100 187
Seana 11,900 5,500 “6
tron 6,2 9,7D 156
Mice meat 12,20 9,400 7
Fate 1,300 49
eed 3,125 2,397 7
a 79
Table (VI = 2
Daily per capita food intake (1979)
Israel West Bank of Israel
Glories 3039 2833 93
Rat (grams) 113.5 70.8 62
Protein (grams) 96.4 81.2 86
~Thereof animal protein 2.3 2.2 42
Seurce: Statistical abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, pp 280, 687.
the nost-~ocaupation era. These changes have developed gradually
*3 2 result of transformations in cropping patterns and a substantial
WProvement in productivity.
GmBarison of output and acreage statistics before and after
‘Re occupation offers useful information on the structural
"Reformation in kest Bank agriculture. Although ata is
“ilable and fairly comprehensive, the comparison is still
“wlicated by an important procederal <ifference in the
Peessing of collected statistics. Prior to occupation, the
Matry of Agriculture relied totally on extension persomel
% .
. @lilecting acreage and cutpet dete. Following occupation,
“‘lteral statistics contimued to be collected by the sane
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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