Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 106)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 106)
- المحتوى
x licies are
Motives. It appears that Israel's encroachment polic
i nk land.
better served by emphasizing the barren image of West Bal
of change
Bearing this factor in mind Table (VI-3) measures rates
is of the
in the output of major farming patterns on the basis
average yields for the last three years preceding occup.
Table (v1 - 3)
Trends in output
(Quantity in thousand tons, livestock in number)
ranch average for mae sareity & change Guntigy § chums
“heat 51.0 34.4 -33 31.8 -38
Tomato 48.3 34.4 ~30 41.9 -13
Qteunber 15.6 9.9 -37 24.8 60
Melons 7562 2361 -09 19.6 ~74
Clerug 30.9 4701 52 81.8 165
Olives 39.8 35.3 “11 43.2 9
(osc and goats 651.3 434.2 -33 398.2 -39
Ow (000) 34.6 26.6 -17 15.0 57
trotters 2902 3442 19° 3351 15
Statistic a 1s..1980
2. West Bank Agriculture 1974, op cit, pp 10-11.
3. Burhan Abu Howayj, Agricultural Atlas of Jordan (Amman:
Ministry of Agriculture, 1974).
Although the data in the Table (VI=3) may conceal wide margins of
*rror, yet they still reveal significant changes in production
Pattorng between pre and post occupation eras. These changer
te summarized below!
“security purposes.
2. Another significant drop and for similar reasons, occured
early after occupation with tomato and cucumber, but output later
Picked up until it markedly exceeded preoccupation levels. This
is due to a rapidly rising productivity following the extensive
dissemination of protected farming techniques.
3. Melon output dropped sharply to one fourth of the pre-occupation
level. This was similarly influenced by constraints on acreage,
but also by competition with mechanized intensive production in
the Negev.
4. Citrus production showed a sharp rise. This is attributed
Primarily to the coming into production age of many young citrus
Moves and, to a smaller extent, to a modest rise in productivity.
5+ No stable changes are detected in olive output other than
*yclical changes relating to alternate bearing and climatic factors.
Utput was depressed by factors relating to poorer husbandry, but
this ®ffect is probably more than offset by the maturity of young
°Fchards coming into full productian.
es The Population of sheep and goat flocks dropped by over one
*hird of its pre-occupation size. Typically this was due to the
artic drop in the area of natural grazing pastures on the eastern
“lopes, which constituted a major target for Israel's land encroachment
* Likewine, the population of cows dropped by over 50% but for
“frorent reasons. Palestinian cowmowners find it impossible to
te with Ieraeli dairy producers, who receive extensive
through their nationwide
Maton and other forms of support - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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