Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 107)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 107)
- المحتوى
an increase in the early years of
& Broiler production showed
effects of competition
Sceupation, but then it started to feel the
i ve
with heavily subsidized Israeli broilers. Output may even ha
1 below its pre-
Grenped over the leat two years (1970-82) to wel
Sccupation Level.
anges in acreage
Changes in areas under major cropping patterns were evel
This is illustrated in Table
n more
Pronounced than those of output.
(VI~4) which again monitors the magnitude of change on the basis
°f pre-occupation averages.
Table (vt = 4)
Trends in acreage
(thousands of donums)
Percent Average area
Average for base Average area
1968-70 change 1977-79
period, 63-66
Meld crops 1015.4 962.8 “5 716
Vegetables 257.2 79.6 -69 105
Nelons 75.0 22.3 -70 4
Mult trees 789.5 702.2 -ll 32
Surces: 1, statistical Abstract of Israel 1972, op city p 665.
2. Abu Howayj, op cit, scattered pages.
3. Moshe Levi, op cit, p 4
The above figures indicate a substantial drop in the acreage of
‘leva Crops (30%) which has taken place mainly in the north-eastern
ma Slopes (Toubas area) mainly for coercive security and
*ettlement purposes. But in addition there was a sharp contraction
®As under grains on marginal lands for obvious economic
NS. The decline in area under vegetables, on the other
hand, was most visible in the Jordan Valley, where security and
settlement activities are most Pronounced, whereas the decline
in the area under melons was due largely to competition problems
with Israeli produce.
The aggregate area under fruit trees does not reflect severe
variations because of the Usually slow response to factors bearing
on tree culture. More recently there have been marked expansions
in olives, almonds and grapes.
The dynamics of change in acreage and output of various patterns
of farming reflect a variety of economic and non-economic factors
which should be taken into careful consideration when planning
‘Gricultural development. These factors will be later reconsidered
in the light of profitability analyses conducted for major patterns
f rainfed farming.
Qmposition of agricultural product
Deapite pronounced variations in the Weat Mank's physical geography,
ite Agriculture is dominated by relatively few patterns of farming.
Olive Production is by far the most important branch, with a share
"ging widely from 8-35% of agricultural income (see Table VIS).
Atrus follows next in importance with an average share of 10%,
Y lumped together, fruit trees contribute around 45% of all
Some originating in agriculture.
from vegetable crops vary less violently because of lesser
Ndence on rainfall. Their share of agricultural income averages
About 17%, contributed mainly by tomato (3.5%) and cucumber (3%).
wa Crops are least significant in terms of their contribution
‘Gricultural income, with an average share of 6%. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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