Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 108)
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- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 108)
- المحتوى
Adding all crop sectors together (trees, vegetables, and grains)
their combined income comprises around 68% of agricultural income,
which leaves livestock and poultry with a share of about one third.
The reasons for the retarded growth in this sector will be explored
later under the section on livestock and poultry.
Table (vi - 5)
Composition of agricultural product
1977. 1978 1979 Average
Gross value of agr. product in
L millions at market price 1734-3787 5675-3722
Sectoral distribution - percent:
Gop sectors, thereof:
Field crops 7.1 505 6.4 603
Vegetable crops 21.0 143 15.0 16.8
Fruits, thereof: 37.9 55.2 40.6 44.6
Olives 7.8 33.9 18.6 20.1
Uvestock and poultry 33.0 24.3 37.1 31.5
Source: Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly 1980,
op cit, p 8%
Technology change
Productivity in agriculture has shown a rise over the past decade.
Accurate assessment of productivity by type of farming and production
Tegion is beyond the scope of this research. Table (VI-6) however,
Presents a summary of yield estimates for some types of agriculture,
'Stesseq from a variety of sources. The data on rainfed farming
Patterns is based on the findings of this research, and those for
"rioated crops are quoted from official data, as computed on the
tis of aggregate figures of acreage and output.
Table (VI ~ 6)
Productivity trends
(kilograms per donum)
1966 1976
Wheat a4 153
Parley 80 170
Chickpeas 55 78
Tomato* 1114 1846
Qucumber* 946 1557
Citrus* 2396 215
Grapes 285 700
Almonds 105 82
Olives Not quoted due to severe cyclical variations
Sources: For 1966 = Agricultural Atlas of Jordan, op cit,
relevant pages.
For 1978 = Data collected from district offices of the
Department of Agriculture.
* Irrigated,
The data in Table (VI-6) indicates a number of important features
in Productivity. Although output per unit increased markedly
fn ll types of farming, it is apparent that the rise in irrigated
“tps is considerably greater than in those dependent on rainfall.
This is not unexpected in view of the much stronger thrust towards
intensi tying irrigated agriculture using modern technology. To a
lesser extent, rainfed agriculture in flat areas (mostly in Jenin
hetrice) has also shown a marked technological change.
Mere have been a number of unfavourable factors that have
“teeouraged the development of rainfed technology on hilly areas,
*t importantly the following:
} abour) have risen at rates
Prices of production inputs (mainly 1 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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