Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 109)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 109)
h higher than those of most rainfed products+ It was found,
f animal ploughing has
y 20% rise in the
s shown a rise
for instance, that the cost 0
ith onl;
Of about 500% since 1967, as compared
Price of wheat. This has resulted in 4
the interest of farmers in dry
steady and marked shift
in the pricing structure against
ittle interest
2. Israeli research centres have generally shown 1i
in improvizing forms of technology which are specifically suited
for hilly agriculture in the West Bank, or for that matter,
i i £ a
Israel itself. The obvious reason for this attitude stems from
Seep conviction in the non-viability of most types of hilly
Griculture, particularly when there is still (in Israel) a
large area of untapped flat land.
Scarcity of appropriate technology is further aggravated by markedly
Weak connections of West Bank extension staff with sources of
technology in other parts of the world, as explained earlier in
the section on agricultural extension and research.
3+ Even when a new technology has been proved productive and
Adequately remunerative (eg. chemical weed control) its
‘Lssemination might be impeded by a number of discouraging factors,
ch as excessively small size of land parcels and their extensive
dispersion, inadequate cooperation among small neighbouring
farmers, and scarcity of credit facilities.
4, ; .
Farmers in rainfed areas, in clear contrast to those with access
: 4 1
to irrigation water, are more reserved in accepting new technologies.
No attempt was made to quantify this important conclusion.
But taking olive culture as an example, the evidence is
nvincing. As will be noted later, about 95 percent of
live growers add no fertilizer at all, almost 100 percent
Of them do not spray against pest infections, and very few
f them have tried weed killers,
To some extent this is attributed to their usually older age and
low literacy. Their reticence has been further accentuated by
their poor confidence in the professional aptitude of extension
Staff which, they believe, may jeopardize their fragile economic
base. This reservation was mentioned frequently by respondent
farmers during this study. Judging by the low level of professional
training of most extension staff, this reservation is not unfounded,
although it is somewhat exaggerated.
The process of technological change was initiated in the late
fifties in response to intensive government and private efforts.
It then picked up at a fairly rapid pace in the last few years
Prior to occupation. In the post-occupation era, this process
Picked up further momentum due to sudden exposure to Israeli
technology, mainly through direct contacts with dealers of farm
Supplies. Yet it is a gross exaggeration to attribute all progress
achieved in raising productivity to exposure to Israeli sources.
Sunting on its pre-war record, West Bank agriculture was likely
so Make Progress during the period in question. In fact, Jordan's
Sriculture which was conventionally less developed than that of
the West gank, has taken long strides over the past fifteen years
in "odernizing its production technology, as could be inferred
from Table (VI-7).
Meteased productivity has been largely a function of expanded
"te of Several modern inputs. A comparative analogy of the rate
°F Use ©f certain inputs in the West Bank, Jordan, and Israel
hed Some light on the pace of agricultural technological
We in the three countries (see Table VI-7).
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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