Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 110)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 110)
1977 1977.
Area under cultivation 7045 2
(Oy donums )
M74 22BD
Mumber of tractors (total) 1p 1673
és “4 «1064 53.8
Per 10,000 donums 5
Fertilizer use (total in tons)
~ kLlograms/dorum
Area covered with pl. None
(Conums )
Area 8775 491 190000
under drip irrigation None
(donums )
Value of purchased inputs 30.9 55.6 nea. 1645.3
~ In IL mill at 1969 prices
Sources: 1, Judea and Samaria Agriculture 1978, op cit, p 13.
2. Statistical Abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, p 356.
3. icultural Statistics Quarterly (Jerusalem:
Central Bureau of Statistics) Vol XI, 1979-1980,
No 3, p 39.
4. Agricultural Statistical Yearbook, op cit, p 66, 77
5. Interview with Director of Agricultural Economics
Department, Amman, October 20, 1981.
Pespite @ noticeable expansion in fertilizer and tractor use,
the data in the previous table reveals that the West Bank lags
ehing Jordan in the use of tractors and fertilizer, while Israel
‘8 tay ahead of both of them in all aspects of technological
a Likewise, it is noted that the ratio of purchased inputs
" the West aank is only about 17% of total agricultural income as
ae to 30% in Jordan and 52% in Israel. In view of the
“sonable technological ability of West Bank farmers, this
oe lag in the use of technological innovations is explained
y ‘
on the basis of the broader issues of reduced profitability
inadequate source of credit, and depressive institutional polictes.
‘otwl thetanding obvious weaknesses in productivity levels and the
process of technological change in the West Bark, the researcher
thes not believe that this necessitates an indiscriminate thrust
towards modern technological change in its agriculture. Any such
Process should be based on a localized evaluation of the political
and social ~ in addition to the economic - ramifications of each
individual form of technology. It may be safe to suppose that
intensive patterns of agriailture, mostly irrigated, need to
maintain a sustained access to modern technology. But the
Situation is mich more complex and difficult to judge in the case
f peasant types of farming. This will be explored at greater
length in the chapterson the economics of rainfed agriculture.
Signi ficance of rainfed farming
The division of land with respect to the source of water reveals
that the area fed by rainwater constitutes about 95% of all
“tivated land, whereas the area under irrigation is estimated
at about 85,000 donums, which amounts to 5% of all actively
“Wltivated land estimated at 1,608,700 donums.”
Stpri singly, the ratio of irrigated land is considerably lower than
an ™st countries in the Middle East, though as outlined earlier,
the West Bank is more humid than most of them. The crucial
*itference lies in the political circumstances of the West Bank
“hich appear to have deprived local citizens of opportunities to
“Ploit available water resources.
1, ee
Aduini stered Territories Statistics Quarterly 1980, op cit, p 95.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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