Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 112)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 112)
the productivity of such an abundant
by existing natural and
™ainly on the need to raise
Tesource. This is further rationalized
Political constraints on irrigated agriculture.
ve exploitation of rainfed land bears
But the reclamation and acti
heavily on the volatile (and undoubtedly crucial
ween Palestinian Arabs and the
) issue of land
Ownership currently disputed bet
Israeli settlement authorities. ‘There is evidence that Israel
has utilized limitations and ananolies in existing forms of
But it is still possible to
Ownership, of which there are many.
by measures which would
unter Israel's expropriation policies
Nake those policies more difficult to implement. An effective
Step in this direction is to initiate an aggressive policy of
extensive land use.
Admittedly this endeavour may not be adequately justified on
Purely economic grounds. But then it can be argued that Israel
has Committed considerable economic resources in its efforts to
imlenent its religious commitments in Palestine. If this argument
fa Political imperative is accepted by Palestinian Arab planners,
And the overwhelming evidence suggest that it is, then the
Prix a
rity should @ first to where the land is - rainfed agriculture.
Reonomi ¢ setting of dry farming enterprises
The ®Conomics of dry farming patterns pose many unresolved
Nestions about their real economic significance and profitability
Status, despite the abundance of such studies involving farm
Nias and agricultural economics. Evidently, this has left
“Mning of agricultural development unduly dependent on somewhat
Iiable statistics or even circumstancial evidence.
This research has had a primary objective of attempting to ascertain
4 concise economic perspective of major rainfed patterns of
agriculture. Each type was evaluated individually in regard
to its economic significance (acreage, output income), profitability
situation, and production and marketing problems. The results
of this study are summarized in chapters VI, VII, VIII. Each
chapter is concluded by policy guidelines which are to be observed
in later chapters on development planning. It should be emphasized
at this point that the mandate of this research does not (and in
fact cannot) provide a full-fledged cost/benefit analyses for
Tespective farming enterprises based on a sample fully representative
f all important attributes. It does attempt to evaluate de facto
Profitability in major production areas and taking into consideration
cominant production techniques. Realizing the importance of more
“Lgorous economic studies, this assignment will be given a high
Priority in the future programme of the Rural Research Centre at
-Najah National University.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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