Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 114)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 114)
- المحتوى
j fruit trees are far mre Nteteive AMesemi nation bo #t4riimted 116 hardiness and
The above date indicates that rainfer
whether in terms of area
toleranne to & wide range of Vm and wit variations, Tabe
Slonificant than irrigated trees,
(95-99 percent of total) or share in fare
yor ares and inenive shows the
neome (35 percent (Vile) howe that olive Farming 1» sonee rated in the nerinern
Metelete (Tulkarm, Mablue and Jenin) wile aenount far three
agai, A breakdow
Net Y percent). eos, the forthe of area and outs,
fruit tr
lative jmportanee of all major types of
detailed ageount of the
Mliowing sestion containg a fairly AVINOMG part Leulanty mult ed for Olives, the Hetron deteiet te
linonds, and a
*eonomieg of promotion of olives, arapes and # ' TAN ImpOr ian prodigy aren, am 11 te much Werter krnwn toy
WHE yeview of plums, figs and aprientss ‘te Urapes and etone Fruita, IN Fenent yoara, Heiwever, farmare
‘thay Aetriet have embarked on a Virose caMalUN of growing
Qdives Nw Olive orehardes Table (Viled) ahowe that about ) uN
Always ‘ (Vile?) ahiwa that about halt of «
™e olive + to Palestine and it hae
vee is indigenous
New ph Nations (areund Bene oui ve ‘ ihe Metriet
a ion to having a Bee we) Are Grown I hie dietyiet,
Paved an iim le in ite eoonomy, bn addht
portant Pe.
Hebron ¢ dandy,
1 hive armers, evidently, have come to vealive that they have
® deep rooted apivitual value, It 18 a notably longel bver
100 MCN Move Land under 5
GVapen whieh Nave proved partioularly
tee, it is commonly believed that some olive plantations may be :
“hevable to pri "
5 price problems arising Crom oversaupply and
© old that they date back to the Roman eral In most yeapeots
Devi g . .
ive oure is the mat important single farming pattern an the Nability, Growing olives Nelpe fariiers stabilige Ineeme
Witure is Ld
“Ml exploit their marginal land Fesourees, without having ta pat
West Bank, As such, it has received special attention in this ’
an 'N very large investments in reclaiming meky slopes, as they dh
Mi .
Area and ribution
“rding to official statistios the area under olives in 1979
fOr grapes,
mounted to 734.7 thousand donums, i.e, 79 percent of all the
area Under fruit trees and 40% of the total cultivated area. Interestingly,
hese ratios are considerably higher than those in Israel, where olives
Sceupy At present only 3 percent of cultivated land, and 83 percent of
that Olive area'is owned by Arabs.”
Lives are grown with varying intensity in all West Bank geographical
*eutons, except for the Jordan Valley and those overlooking hills
‘ere Annual rainfall in usually below 250 millimeters. Its
The olive tree was cited with esteem in the Koran and Rible,
and it was frequently related to the land of Palestine.
Statistical abstract of Israel 1980, op cit, pp 356-365. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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