Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 116)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 116)
Qnsumption and rts
There are other impo!
Olives are consumed as pickles or pressed for oil. It is estimated
Non-edible oil residues are
It is customary tO
ts year supply that 85% of the olive crop goes into oil extraction and the rest
neook'" the family
quality soap. ‘ones is pickled (usually about 6,000 tons). Olive oil, and to a lesser
pressing operate
tion of
©f soap following the comple ap industry of
<0 extent olive pickles, are two important staple foods in the West
inted out that the
Incidentally, it should be Po Bank,
nes ,
Nablus, which was 0! 1 imported oils. Regaining this
has replaced olive oil with cheape! Domestic consumption of olive oil is estimated at about 8,000 tons
y at the present, could help markedly
Market, though quite unlikel Per year i.e. roughly the equivalent of 30,000 tons of olive fruits.
€xpand the demand potential for olive oil. locally produced oil is handled mostly in tins of 17 kilograms
tions is extensively used ®ach. Consumption habits vary widely from urban to rural communities.
Olive wood resulting from pruning opera
A i . ——"
with the sharp rise in the cost cording to a recent study, per capita consumption in large towns
48 a fuel in rural communities.
ri r
In southern ‘anges from 2 to 4 kilograms per annum, whereas it reaches over
©f petrol, olive wood meets a badly felt need.
1 * 1
rong d by producers of 5 kgs in small villages.
istricts thick olive wood is in st
den religious art: ts. Olive oil pulp, remaining after oil
gious artifacts 1. A
®traction, ig also used widely as a fuel and could possibly be their extensive use of other types of oil (mostly seed oils) and
Used in manufacturing feed mixes. Mich of it is used again for Sameh ~ a local brand of cooking margarine. The trend toward
il extraction by solvent methods, producing about 6 percent of Partial substitution of olive oil with seed oils is gaining
industrial quality oil. increasing ground even in rural communities themselves, mainly
In addition to the above-mentioned direct forms of return, olive use of price difference. This is a very important point to
A on: F ‘
Production entails two other profound advantages. Firstly, it sider when evaluating the future prospects of olive culture.
Should be emphasized that olives are grown mostly on land With foesy
demand for olives (oil and pickles) in the range of
38 thousand tons, and in view of available production
i snl P ;
" Class rr and IV, most of which, by definition, is not fit
BY $
oll Other forms of agriculture (except grazing). Secondly,
mes culture draws on forms of labour which have very low opportunity cost,
as old family members, women, children and the spare time
°f omers,
Tes, it is clear that mich of the olive crop is consumed
t »
he West Bank itself. Occasionally there may be deficits which
Consequently, it could be argued that olives use
reasonable efficiency substantial quantities of land and
labour inputs,
of Taming
pohasser, Palestine Olives, (West Bank: Birzeit University,
and at little or no expense to other patterns Pp
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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