Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 118)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 118)
- المحتوى
III and IV,
Olives are grown mainly on marginal land in classes
eatly terraced a long time ago,
Although most old orchards were Mi
1 land
nly minima.
New plantations are currently preceded by only
of exorbitant cost 0
development practices, obviously because
land development.
i once
New orchards require light pruning and occasional ploughing,
Ih they manage
°r twice a year, mainly to eliminate weeds. Althoug! y
to survive through the baking sun of long rainless summers, a
irrigated two
Planted seedlings can grow mich faster if they are irriga
fter they
°F three times during the summer months for 2-4 years a
in this
‘re planted. Nearby cisterns can play an important role
Mature orchards receive very different levels of husbandry.
i icians
Ploughing is considered by most farmers and conventional technic:
88 the backbone of cultural practices. Due to a notably rough
*opography, ploughing is done almost entirely by animals. A
Minimum of two ploughings is recommended by extention agents,
Mainly to eliminate weeds and preserve soil moisture. However,
Sue to the very high cost of ploughing it is estimated that about
ne third of olive growers plough their orchards only once a year.
The Possibility of replacing one or two ploughings with chemical
Ped killers, as we shall see later, offersa great potential for
Feducing Ploughing costs.
Fertilization and manuring of olive orchards is rarely practiced.
S Nasser, op cit, p 39.
strong (though inadequately tested) extension recommendations
to justify farmers reservations.
Manuring, on the other hand, is recognized as very useful by farmers
and extension agents. But due to its rising cost (mainly the cost
°f hauling it to distant locations), its use has sharply declined.
Pruning of olive trees is considered by technicians and farmers as
the most important single practice needed by olives, especially
in older orchards. Annual corrective pruning, usually quite
"ld, is done by owners during the picking season. But there is
a? urgent need for wide-scale rejuvenation pruning in many growing
areas, Particularly in northern districts.
Trsect and disease control is not practiced, despite the incidence
°f many pests. This point will be elaborated further under the
ection on production problems.
oe Picking season starts in October and extends for 2-3 months.
Recause of the small size of the fruit, olive picking is an
“tremely labour-intensive operation. About two thirds of olive
rs pick their orchards themselves. This is usually performed
" aid, p a. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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