Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 120)
- عنوان
- Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 120)
- المحتوى
tebe (VIE = 3)
Profitability of olives
@od year Bad year
Unit Jpfunit
Quantity value (JD) quantity Value (Jp)
st outlay
a. Labour (total) Donum 9.7 1.4 8.5
Animal ploughing man-day 3.3 2 6.6 2 6.6
Pruning bad 204 1/3 0.8 1/3 0.8
Fertilization " - pa - - =
Spraying ” - os = = -
Picking " 2.4 1/3 0.8 1/8 0.3
Picking woman/day 1.6 2 362 0.5 0.8
b. Materials (total) - - = « we
Fertilizer & manure kg - - = = es
Pesticides kg - - = 3
c. Interest on investment % per year 10 1/3 0.2 1/3 0.3
TOTAL WsT, of which: 11.6 8.8
= value of unpaid labour 3.0 0.8
Returns - total
Quantity of output kg 150 20
O11 extraction x 25 27
Less 10% for pressing ko 3.7 oO.s
O11 output kg 37.5 5.4
Returns to owner JD 0.85 33.8 25.3 4.9 4.2
Plus returns from by-products JD 1.5 0.5
family labour included 15.2 4.1
= family labour excluded 18.2 “3.3
Analysis af the results given in Table VII-5 points to the following
Olive production is remunerative to owner-operators in good
years and makes a slight loss in bad years, given the
existing frame of operations where it utilizes inputs which
have a minimal opportunity cost and where the amount of paid
expenses is kept to a bare minimum.
Ploughing is the most important cost item, amounting to more
than 50 percent of total costs. Qnsequently, profitability
will be materially increased if it becomes possible to reduce
the number of ploughings to one, or even do away with it
The cost of picking is the second most important item, and it
ranges from 12 percent of total costs in a bad year to 30
Percent in a good year. The cost of picking is considerably
Qreater for owners who relegate picking to tenants, usually
against a share of one third of total output. Should there
be some means(such as hormone spraying) to modernize picking
8nd cut down its cost, that will be materially helpful in
Yaising profitability of olives in the present setting of West
Bank agriculture.
Profitability of new. orchards where pre-maturity development
sts cannot be ignored, is more marginal and it depends
largely on the following conditions:~
a. Land development costs have to be reduced essentially by
Maintaining development operations to the bare minimum,
>. Farmers should aim at a mich higher productivity.
The bulk of labour input should continue to come from
Sources with a negligible alternative opportunity cost. - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٢
- المنشئ
- Hisham Masoud Awartani
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