Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 126)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 126)
A productive vineyard requires mich labour in the form of ploughing
(tice a year}, pruning, pest control, and picking. As in olive
Calture, most of the labour input is furnished "free" by members
°f farm families whose opportunity cost is low. But unlike olives,
family heads play a more active role in managing their vineyards,
Since that is more justified from a profitability point of view.
able (VII — 8)
Profitability of grapes
Profitability situation
to the minimal commercial value of grapes grow in other districts, / wallioes T Stihing Geenping
‘ Unit T
this Study of profitability mas restricted to vineyards in ! JDfunit | Quantity | value JD | s0/anit Quantity |Value JD |JD/unit | Quantity | Value JD
| '
7 2.6 34.25 30.25
Bethl chen /Hebron grape corridor. The sample consisted of 15 | 34.3 | 24.9 21.0
don 3.33 3 10.9 3.33 3 10.0 3.33 3 10.0
farmer ictri | man/day| 3.00 1.5 4.5 3.00 1 3.0 3.0 2/3 2.0
‘S, 10 from Hebron district and 5 from Bethlehem. fue to ae eens i Pe Fie 2/3 1 | ie 2/3 i350
io° 2.00 1 3.0 3.0 2/3 2.0 3.0 2/3 2.00
™rked differences in costs and returns of all three methods of grape ” 1.0 2 3.2 1.6 1 1.6 1.6 2/3 1.10
“ (2.40 1 2.4 2.4 2/3 1.6 2.4 1f2 0.80
cages -60 9.6 1.6 3.5 5.6 -6 a x
“iltivation, their profitability has been individually ascertained | i : be i t aided “
| xg 0.08 © 4.8 0.08} 40 3.20 0.08 «o 3.20
(7 Creeping, 5 standing, 3 trellised). The results are summarized | 8.0 5.05 $.05
| ko 0.17 25 4.25 0.17] 15 2.55 0.17 15 2.55
in Table (VII 8) | litre 5.00 0.75 3.75 5.00 0.5 2.590 5.00 1/2 2-50
ls 10 1/3 year 1.5 la 1.0
Amortized Foundation |
Unlike Olives, land development costs of vineyards are too recent costs | 20 us 2.5
P ‘ F total 57.60 37.85 27
» ignore. Qut-of-pocket cost items incurred in land development bis eoniims<: Saket ee 15.40 * °
Marketing costs - | S . “12
. . Transportation | per ton | 1.5 2 3.0 1.5 1.14 1.70 1.5 0.75 1.12
Were added to pre-maturity costs and amortized on the life span of Comission is 10 250 25.0 10 137 13.70 | 10 re) 6.00
foxes - provided free by commission agents
the Vineyard. TOTAL GSTS | 85.60 41.45 33.25
fei RETURNS | 125 2 250.0 120.0 1.146 | 137.0 80.0 0.75 0.0
+ family labour included | 164.4 95.5 24.7
family labour exxteded 193.4 112.5 a.7
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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