Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 169)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 169)
rably faster pacer as if did in Jordan,
might expand at a conside!
t outlay shows that
It is followed by the cost
feed accounts for about
4. The breakdown of cos
nt of broiler and egg CO!
(208 and 22% respectively)+
costs should be addressed
a This means
of chicks and pullets
that any serious attempt to reduce
mainly to feed, chicks and pullets-
5. ‘the cost of hired labour is almost zero in broiler farming,
and very low in egg farming.
farms do not use hired labour at all.
re actively involved in other
About 80 percent of all poultry
Furthermore, the vast
majority of poultry raisers i
professions, while leaving most of the work needed for their
poultry to other members of the family who have low alternative
employment opportunities. This has not only reduced costs,
but has also minimized out-of-pocket losses and provided
Needed flexibility in case of crises.
1. Unreliable supply of baby chicks. Poultry raisers face a
Chronic problem of inadequate supply of baby chicks, and their
orders are only partly met. Israeli hatcheries give priority
to Jewish customers and they my, should the need arise, cancel
Outstanding West Bank orders without advance notice. Although
Rot expressed officially, it has been made clear to the
researcher that the Israeli Poultry Board and the Department
f Agriculture appear to have placed a ceiling on chicks to be
Supplied to West Bank poultry farms, which is much lower than
their actual production capacity. Importing chicks from other
Sources, on the other hand, is forbidden.
Inadequate control on the quality of baby chicks and feed.
Fe are strong suspicions that the quality of chicks
sold in the West Bank is not adequately supervised, since some
hatcheries may sometimes sell chicks of inferior quality,
which otherwise my not be approved for sale in Israel.
Likewise, the quality of feed procured from some small mills
in Israel and the West Bank is not adequately controlled.
This can lead to occasional cases of adulteration, causing
Substantial losses to producers. It should be noted in this
connection that quality of chicks and feed sold in Israel is
Subjected to quality control measures which are far more
Stringent than those practiced in the occupied territories.
Unsatisfactory technical and credit services. The poultry
industries in Israel and Jordan are served by a full range of
highly sophisticated institutional services, This includes
qualified extension staff, a modern and prompt veterinary
Service, an efficient marketing structure, and sufficient
credit facilities. The situation for all such services in the
West Bank is,in the researcher's view, very unsatisfactory.
Besides being not particularly well trained in poultry,
extension agents are explicitly instructed in their work
manuals to restrict their services to advice "if they are
approached by farmers". In other words they are asked to display
little interest in developing poultry. Veterinarians working
in the Department of Agriculture have also reduced their
Services to a very low level.
Credit facilities for medium and long term purposes almost came
1, Annual Plans for 1980-81, (Bet Eil: Department of Agriculture
in the Military Headquarters), p 5.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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