Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 175)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 175)
more should be done towards eoloiting
under irrigstion. Also,
sore rain water in raising productivity of rainfed patterns of
agricul ture.
Raising the lebour-absorptive capacity of agriculture. This is
Mecessitated by the dislocation hazards arising from having more
than one third of the labour force employed in Israel. furthermore,
it is felt that labour mobility out of agriculture weakens the
labourers! attachment to their homes and renders them more
vulnerable to emigration. Admittedly, the proposed policy is
°pposed to modern economic thinking and may entail considerable
Costs, but policy makers believe that political returns do warrant
the economic cost.
Reducing dependence on Israel for food. The West Bank's excessive
Sependence on Israel for food entails economic and political
hazards which could pre-empt the Palestinians! demand for
independence. It is partly true that residents of the occupied
territories take advantage of buying subsidized Israeli produce,
but the long-term cost is certainly exorbitant. It makes little
Policies is adopted by less developed countries in regard to
industrial products,
3. Vigorous expansion of freit tree orchards. visible attachment of
Palestinians to their land has helped impede Israel's aggressive
encroachment policies. Sesides the construction of houses and
urban facilities, this policy is best served by the dissexination
of fruit tree plantations and by the renabiltation of neglected
orchards. ‘The implenentation of this policy is faciliated by the
Presence of wide areas of marginal land which are not fit for
Other forms of comercial farming. Not surprisingly, the Military
Administration displays a cautious attitude to rainfed trees, and
in contrast, it offers active support to field crops, particularly
those contracted for export through AGXESOD.
Providing active support to peasant forms of farming. This should
Come in the form of side projects undertaken by farmers who are
employed in other professions or types of agriculture. In this way
it becomes possible to mobilize large inputs of land and family
labour at acceptable levels of efficiency. In fact this kind of
Wasi-~peasant farming is probably more able to survive the strong
Cometitimwith Israeli produce than most patterns of capital-—
intensive and market-oriented agricultural production. Fvidently,
this Policy should be reconsidered in the post-occupation era.
Blicy guidelines
The development of West Bank agriculture under the present setting of
“Teli occupation has many ramifications which bear heavily on the
Process Of agricultural development. This gives rise to a number of
Policy Muidelines which constitute useful yardsticks for directing
olrce and measuring growth, sometimes in ways which are contradictory
S°nventional economic theories. As a result of the researcher's
“01 venont in West Bank agriculture during the past decade, and in
°f intensive contacts carried for the purpose of this research,
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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