Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 183)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 183)
validity of establishing a local college of agriculture, an
idea which is being considered by An-Najah and Birzeit
Universities. aut for a number of political reasons, on the
other hand, senior officials in both universities as well as
leading politicians, seem to agree on the need for a carefully
designed college of agriculture on the Kest Bank. Consequently,
if a decision to establish such a school is taken, it is very
important that the right type of school is established.
The curriculum of the proposed school would primarily meet the
‘specific professional needs of agriculture on the west Bank and
Gaza Strip. Its curriculum would focus on qualifying graduates
2% competent farmers and agri-tusinessmen, rather than solely
on theoritical academic instruction. In addition to its teaching
programme, it would also initiate an active research progran
centred on the problens and constraints impeding agricultural
Growth. ‘The proposes school waild be emected to launch a
Program of adaptive research making adequate use of the abundant
supply of primary research findings released by nearby Israeli
and Jordardan institutions.
Aa a preliminary step, it is proposed to conduct a feasibility
Study for the appropriate type of school indicating location,
curricula, and financial and technical allocations required for
this project.
Establishing « Horticultural Research Unit
Introduction of modern production techniques and monitoring of
the modernization process in olive and other fruit trees should
be entrusted to a specialized unit affillateito An-Najah
University in Nablus". The project might start first as a
section in the Rural Research Centre, especially as the Centre
intends to recruit one or two trained horticulturists. In the
future it may be possible to develop the said unit into a seperate
body under the name of the Horticultural Hesearch Unit, and have
it ammexed to a college of agriculture, «hen one is established.
The suggested unit would be engaged mainly in the search for
appropriate innovations and testing them locally. As such the
unit's technicians will draw heavily on the experience and
technology generated by research institutions in other countries.
The suggested Horticultural Mesearch Unit would have to cater for
Several kinds of fruit trees, but priority should go to olives,
citrus, and grapes. Its staff would consist in the beginning of
2 qualified horticilturist, an assistant, and 2 laboratory
technician. 2 - 3 years later more horticulturists mould be
added, one specialized in citrus art subtropical fruits and
Others in wegetable crops.
Egtablishing the Cooperative Institute (CI)
The proposed institute would be established through the technical
and financial assistance of the FAO as a joint project with
Bethlehem University. It would be entrusted with all kinds of
educational and training activities for members of cooperatives
and managerial staff. A proposal to this effect has been already
submitted to the PAO which expressed a positive initial response.
4 recommendation to this effect has already been made by
Participants at the Agricultural Seminar sponsored by the Arab
't Forum, held at An-Najah University on August 21, 1981.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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