Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 195)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 195)
The najor limitation on a wore prosperous plum SARIN ISSIR eR 80
ticularly more SO because it is essentially
Problems of marketing, P™
the introduction of a wider range of
a market-oriented commodity+
stablishnent of a viable agricultural
varieties and the possible e
processing industry might help alleviate occasional surpluses in
Production and distribution of certified seedlings on accredited
nurseries would help accelerate rapid expansion in plum plantations.
B. Figs
Given the present price structure, figs are potentially more
remunerative than most other types of rainfed trees. This is
facilitated by a boost in the price of figs due to a sharp decline
in supply and the strong demand in Israeli markets.
The most important cause for the marked decline in fig production
is the rapidly expanding infestation with scaly insects, and to a
lesser extent stem borers. The first of these insects is easy
to control through regional campaigns.
The major Line of policy in regard to fig culture, therefore, is to
Fejuvenate infested orchards. The next step would be the distribution
Sf seedlings of desirable varieties at a conmercial and household
Scale. A greater proportion of the increased produce could be
Sonsumed by the very large nunber of farm families who have become
increasingly deprived of this commodity.
F. Apricots
Apricot culture is well suited to large areas in the West Bank,
and it is a highly profitable tree, if Problems of marketing and
Pest control are attended to.
There is an unqualified consensus on the need for expanded growing
°f apricots. But emphasis should go on the dissemination of the
Hamawi variety which can stand shipping constraints and commands
Prices well above those of the Baladi variety.
The major constraint for expanded production is the lack of seedlings
and the need for a more effective control program of stem borers.
GS. Introduction of new kinds of trees
The foregoing discussion has concentrated on six types of trees
which dominate rainfed orchards. pue to a rather diversified climate
And topography it is still possible and even recommended to
introduce other types of trees which my prove particularly
Profitable in the present West Bank setting. This would help reduce
the risks of seasonal variations in output (as in olives) and pest
damage (as in almonds). Furthermore, some of them may prove more
Yemunerative than traditional types of agriculture. Some of these
trees are not totally new, like apples and peaches, whereas others
are quite new and require further testing. This includes pistachio
Nuts, whose seeds are in strong demand and command very high
The major limitation on a vigorous expansion of new types of tree
Plantations is the unavailability of needed seedlings. Another
Problem stems from the lack of satisfactory expertise in growing
Fecommended "new! trees. Mich could be done to help solve both
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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