Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 200)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 200)
ch to explore the possibilities of
¢ Intensive resear
poses other than olive
operating modern presses for pu
ofl extraction.
8.10 Introduction of modern oil tinning techniques.
‘The present system of processing and tinning of olive oil
has limitations. Most importantly, quality is not adequately
controlled and standardized, and the size of cans is too
large (around 17 kilograms).
The suggested project calls for a gradual but substantial
improvement in olive oil processing and bottling techniques
by establishing modern plants in major production areas.
Each plant would be equipped with a refining unit and other
equipment needed to classify oil into 2 - 3 grades. Edible
il would be bottled in tin cans of various sizes and
labelled with a distinctive trademark indicating its
Palestinian origin. The quality of the oil would be further
checked through spot testing carried by the Horticulture
Unit in the Rural Research Centre.
It is proposed to start out the project by implementing
current plans to construct two such plants, one in Deir
Sharaf (Nablus-Tulkarm—Jenin junction) and another in Ein
Sinya (Ramallah district). Both locations are strategic
centres for olive production, and in both cases the
more such processing units,
As for OA} wd through omer channels, it is recommended
to have it tested ond certified by the proposed plants st »
reasonable fee, At sowe time in the future it might be
possible to restrict #1) exports through accredited processing
units and the Agricultural marketing Bureau.
= _
Despite slight risks of overproduction, it is proposed to
adopt an expansionary policy of grape production for
reasons of paraeconomic significance. The new policy
Should also aim at minimizing costs especially those paid
in cash. Precautionary measures should also be taken in
anticipation of excess supply.
The following list of projects is proposed in relation to
production and marketing.
Wider dissemination of seedlings.
The suggested plan envisages a substantial expansion in
the area under grapes. Some of the new vineyards would be
planted in southern districts (Hebron-Bethlehem), but most
of them will be grown in the Ramallah and Nablus hills.
Furthermore, a large number of vines would be needed for
interplanting within young olive orchards, in preference
to almonds or other trees.
Although direct growing of cuttings could be accelerated
and modernized by delegating production of seedlings to
specialized nurseries. In this way it would be possible
to introduce a better and wider selection of varieties,
graft parts of the seedlings on the phyllaxera-resistent
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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