Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 206)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 206)
direct subsidy on its sale price. If a West Bank hatchery
succeeds in providing farmers with good quality chicks at
ruling prices and in adequate numbers, then the subsidy might
be considered well justified. A detailed feasibility study
of this project is being conducted by the Rural Research
Provision of subsidized credit facilities,
One important reason why poultry farming has managed to
survive during the past 14 years is its minimal use of
capital and hired labour. Nothing is wrong with this
spontaneous kind of adaptation except that expansion
potential in this setting remains exceedingly limited - unle:
capital is made available at concessional terms. Put bluntly,
the problem is not scarcity of capital but reticence to invest
it at low returns and high risk, This represents a clear case
for distinction between "economic" and "national" viability
which was allured to earlier in Chapter x.
Modern poultry farming is a highly capital-intensive industry.
Capital is needed for expanding and modernizing existing
farms and for building new units. Capital requirements for
construction purposes would be provided by PACC upon positive
recommendations by resident representatives. Owners would
be expected to cover from their own resources about one third
of the fixed capital outlay. Furthermore, PACC would not
provide them with loans for purchasing chicks and feed.
This they would have to arrange with dealers of farm supplies
or cooperative societies,
10.2 Improving veterinary services.
Although subdued by more serious problems, disease infections
still inflict considerable damage on the West Bank's poultry
industry, perhaps more in termsof lower productivity than
by direct mortality. Veterinary services, on the other hand,
are in decline. A particularly critical problem is the lack
of adequate laboratory testing facilities and a subsequent
"trial and error" type of treatment.
An important step towards improving and expediting diagnosis
techniques would be the construction of well-equipped
laboratories in district offices of the veterinary department.
It is suggested to establish three such laboratories (Nablus,
Ramallah and Hebron) and provide adequate training for their
technical staff. The UNDP office could play an important
role in tailoring and financing the proposed training program.
It might also help finance the installation of necessary
laboratories. Otherwise the needed funds should come from
a different source, possibly ANERA, since aid from the PAAC
might be refused by the Military Administration to which
veterinary offices are affiliated.
11. Sheep and goats
Although little can be done to help stop military encroachments
©n grazing land, a lot should be done in other ways to help
Taisers of sheep and goats. A fundamental premise in this
connection is to extend every possible support for the steadfast—
ness and further expansion of this sector. Because in addition
to being notably profitable, sheep raising entails profound
Social, mutritional and national rewards.
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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