Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 242)


Agricultural Development in the West Bank (ص 242)
The researcher is indebted to very many people for their contribution ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS
in various ways for the purpose of this study. Foremost, he is both
appreciative and proud of the whole-hearted cooperation he received
from farmers and residents in rural communities who, especially
in the present West Bank setting, are normally reserved with outsiders,
The researcher is also grateful for the unlimited cooperation he
received from the great number of officials employed in relevant
government offices, despite the risk they encountered in violating
military orders. Regrettably, no names can be mentioned here.
The researcher owes much to Dr Paul Rogers, his supervisor. Despite
his numerous obligations inside and outside the School of Peace
Studies, Dr Rogers has extended generous support and guidance
throughout all the stages of this research. His help in constructing
the questionnaires used and his very careful revision of the various
drafts of this thesis were instrumental in seeing this work to
The researcher is also grateful to Mr Andrew Gulson, his second
supervisor. Drawing on his widespread knowledge of problems of
agricultural development, Mr Goulson provided valuable help in |
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various forms, especially on technical questions relating to :
methodology, review of literature, and interpretation of data.
Last, but certainly not least, the researcher owes much to his
wife and children. Through their hopeful patience he was able
to devote to this study most of the time which should have been
theirs. I hope that their sacrifice will be adequately rewarded.
Hisham Awartani
Hisham Masoud Awartani


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