The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 14)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 14)
- المحتوى
colonial experiences elsewhere in the world) is characterized by the
urge not to exploit the native producers but rather replace them,
This commitment to an exclusive Jewish proletariat derives from
Labor-Zionism, the hegemonic ideological foundation underlying Jewish
colonial settlement in Palestine, Labor-Zionism, specifically socialist
or proletarian Zionism as formulated by Ber Borochov, has identified
the imperative of exclusive Jewish proletarianization by Jewish capital
and hence, the emergence of Jewish class struggle for the actualization
of Zionism -- the foundation of a Jewish nation State.4
The massive integration of Palestinian labor into Israeli employ-
ment may signify Palestinian proletarianization.” Palestinian-Arabs
penetrating into the Israeli labor market are most likely to occupy pro-
letarian class locations, and therefore increase the number of Jews and
Arabs jointly belonging to the working class and sharing a common class
interest. If that is the case, Palestinian employment by Israeli-Jewish
capital may provide an objective basis for a potential cross-national
proletarian alliance among Israeli-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs.
A history of boycott and replacement of Arab labor by Jewish set-
tlers in Palestine makes the current merger of Israeli-Jewish and Pales-
tinian-Arab labor force a first historical opportunity for the potential
*proletarianization refers here to the transformation of pre-capi-
talist producers into a class of modern wage-workers, This involves
the separation of producers from the means of production and their inte-
gration into productive, manual, non-supervisory capitalis employment,
Proletarianization refers also to the potential development of revolu-
tionary consciousness and hence, the creation of contradictions in the
dominant mode of accumulation in the struggle for a socialist alterna-
tive, This concept is discussed further in Chapter III,
14 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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