The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 15)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 15)
of joint struggle on class lines to supercede conflicting national as-
pirations. It is a first opportunity in the sense that joint class strug-
gle among Jewish and Arab toilers in Palestine has been practically im-
possible owing to the simple fact that their class interests were utter-
ly counterposed under the historical hegemony of proletarian Zionism.
Only this phase in Palestinian-Israeli history seems to allow for a grow-
ing Arab-Jewish proletariat which has the potential for becoming the
leading class (ruling class) in a socialist transformation of the rela-
tions of production currently prevalent in "Greater Israel".
In light of the historical commitment to exclusive Jewish proletar-
ianization, the hiring of Palestinian~Arabs by Israeli-Jews confuses the
Israeli public. It appears contradictory with the Labor-Zionist ideals
they have internalized, and is also believed to seriously endanger the
political security of the Jewish State they immigrated from the world
over to create and support. The proletarianization of Palestinians in
Israel is, therefore, paradoxical.
In this paradoxical context, the question is: What is it that has
recently compelled the Israeli ruling class (against its Labor-Zionist
ideology and what it historically believed to be a political security
risk) to finally remove previously established obstacles and allow for
the massive inflow of Palestinian labor into Jewish work places, even
inside the kibbutz and the moshav, the strongholds of Labor-Zionism?
One way of treating this question is to simply point out the pool
of cheap Palestinian labor made available to the Israeli ruling class
in the aftermath of the 1967 war as an explanation for the integration
of Palestinians into production organized by Israeli capital.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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