The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 16)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 16)
This interpretation, in fact, coincides with the position expressed
by the doves in the Labor Party who therefore advocate the returning of
the populated occupied territories, as well as with the Israeli public
opinion, as will be demonstrated by this study, A historical review of
Palestinian proletarianization since the early years of Jewish settle~
ment in Palestine (Chapter III) illustrates the fact that the non-pro-
letarianization of Palestinians in the past (when the Zionist slogan,
"boycott of Arab labor", was fanatically practiced) was associated pre-
cisely with the abundance of cheaper native Palestinian labor. Even
after the 1948 war, when the majority of Palestinian producers were ex-
pelled from what was to become Israel, cheap Arab labor remained abun-
dantly available inside Israel, The Zionist "conquest of land" through
purchase and/or expropriation for Jewish settlement before and after the
establishment of the Jewish State was constantly associated with the dis-
placement of peasants, creating Palestinian labor surplus.
When West Galilee and the Small Triangle were annexed in 1949, Is-
rael imposed Martial Law and activated the Emergency Regulations to regu-
late the mobility of Palestinian-Arab populations of these two regions
and prevent their employment in Israeli-Jewish work places. These ob-
stacles were only removed in the early sixties during the construction
boom. This reservoir of Arab labor was then temporarily, yet massively
mobilized into Israeli production.”
By contrast, the persisting integration of Palestinians on a mas-
sive scale into employment by Israeli-Jewish capital challenges the pre-
vious interpretation as too simplistic. It also urges our inquiry to be
more directed towards the demand side and less towards the supply side of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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