The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 17)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 17)
Palestinian participation in the Israeli labor market. It is the demand
for, not the supply of, Palestinian labor that presents a new yet an am-
biguous fact.
A challenge posed by this ambiguity thus far is to identify the
major causes underlying the emerging demand for Palestinian labor in
Israel, a demand that has become most prominent since the 1967 war, We
emphasize, in particular, causes that involve structural changes; i.e.,
transformation in the relations of production, This emphasis derives
from the conviction that changes in the relations of market-exchange,
that is, in the sphere of distribution, are determined by changes in the
sphere of production, In addition, the emphasis on structural transfor-
mation, as opposed to factor analysis, is determined also by the practi-
cal objective of this study. This involves the assessment of possible
implications of the massive participation of Palestinians in the Israeli
labor market on long-term political development.
Focussing on the relations of production may reveal the extent to
which the emerging demand for Palestinian labor in Israel today is struc-
tural or merely conjunctural. If Palestinian labor in Israel represents
merely a transitory labor, it makes no sense to talk about long-term
political implications. In this sense, our research problem is neces-
sarily two-fold: practical and explanatory. And although distinct,
these two aspects of the study are essentially complementary. Their
theoretical methodological treatment tends also to overlap, as illus-
trated below.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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