The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 19)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 19)
Political question, however, can be adequately treated only through
the integration of theory and practice, Therefore, our study can only be
an attempt to systematize an approach to this kind of question but not to
seek an adequate answer, Another serious limitation of this work lies in
the fact that it is arbitrarily confined to examining only objective con-
ditions of cross-national proletarian alliances, This leaves out subjec-
tive conditions that are indispensable for the actualization of such al-
B. Objective Conditions for Cross-national Proletarian Alliances
Class alliance is the opposite of class polarization. Both concepts
are related to political class positions within society or between classes
of different societies. Class society is usually polarized into dominant
and dominated classes. Classes within one pole usually form alliances
against classes in the other pole. Alliance among the dominant classes
is often referred to as the "power bloc" and among the dominated classes
as the "people". Classes are often divided into class-fractions,
Fractions of the same class coincide with important economic differ-
entiations and can, therefore, take important and distinct roles as social
forces.’ Alliances can, thus, develop between the fractions of different
classes, including the dominant and dominated. When such alliances oc-
cur, these classes and fractions do not dissolve into one another.
Classes and fractions in alliance do not dissolve into one another
because their boundaries (class locations) are structurally determined
by the objective place in the production process and the social formation
as a whole. This involves political-ideological domination/subordination,
Class alliance denotes political class position which is specific to the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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