The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 20)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 20)
conjuncture; that is, not structurally and objectively determined.
Class position is thus distinguished from the structurally deter-
mined class location by which class interest is defined and hence, fixing
the horizon of the class* struggle.” The class' position and interest
May or may not coincide. Class alliance, which is a political class ‘posi-
tion, may or may not be based on shared class locations and hence, com-
monality of class interests,
Unlike the objective determination of class interest, class position
is subjectively determined by the state of consciousness. Class conscious-
ness depends greatly on political practices of social classes through the
ideological and repressive apparatuses of the State. It refers to the
ideology guiding classes in their political practices. The class' con-
sciousness is false when it does not correspond with its interest. Al-
liances between classes may occur on the basis of false consciousness.
It is the dominated class that is likely to be exposed to false con-
sciousness through the ideology of the dominant class, because (using
Marx's words):
",..the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the
ruling ideas, i,e., the class which is the ruling material
force for society is at the same time its ruling intellectual
force, The class which has the means of material production
at its disposal has control at the same time over the means
of mental production." 10
This is articulated in the relation of ideological-political domina-
tion/subordination materialized particularly in the State apparatuses.
Moreover, the ruling class is constantly compelled to ideologically ap-
peal to the producing class in an attempt to postpone the imposition of
an alternative to the prevailing order,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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