The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 21)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 21)
Once it touches the masses, false or genuine ideology itself be-
comes a mobilizing material force and as such it may alter the objective
conditions determining the class' location and hence, interest, In this
study, Zionism is a case in point. It is conceived as a form of sectar-
ian bourgeois nationalism, class consciousness that corresponds to the
class interests of the Jewish bourgeoisie. Once it touched the Jewish,
predominantly petty bourgeois masses, it became a mobilizing material
force transforming large numbers of them into pioneer settlers for cre-
ating new material conditions capable of altering, and not merely re-
storing, the class origins of those who were mobilized by it,
Even as a false ideology, Zionism (specifically its proletarian
postulate, formulated precisely to appeal to the petty bourgeois masses
under the displacement effects of monopoly formation) mobilized these
masses to act on behalf of the bourgeoisie and create the material foun-
dations of the bourgeois Jewish State.
The alliance between the Jewish bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie
was by no means based on commonality of class interests. It was, rather,
the outcome of the specific conjuncture: material conditions of Jewish
life in the metropolis, peculiar to a transitional phase. The transition
from competitive capitalism to the age of monopoly capital, characterized
rather by monopolistic competition.
Under the conditions specific to the time and place, Jewish big capi-
tal needed a State of its own to intervene on its behalf in the face of
monopolistic competition, and Jewish petty capital needed security against
the displacement effects of monopoly formation, Zionism, as the ideo-
logical expression of the Jewish bourgeoisie for a bourgeois nation State,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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