The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 22)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 22)
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happened then to be in coincidence with the needs of the Jewish petty
bourgeoisie, This coincidence, however, must not be taken to signify
commonality of class interests. As a matter of fact, the interests of
the two classes were contradictory: the class interest of the Jewish
bourgeoisie lay in monopoly formation, while the very survival of the
Jewish petty bourgeoisie as a social class threatened to extinction by
the formation of monopoly capital. This argument is the subject of
Chapter II.
Two points are to be concluded from Zionism: first, that a class
alliance which belongs to the sphere of conjunctural class positions can
transform the class location which is structurally determined and hence
affect the class interest. This seems to contradict a point made earlier
regarding the undissolving of class or class fraction into one another
through alliance. It may be a feature peculiar to settler-colonialism,
This point, however, may be taken to highlight the dialectics of the sub-
jective and the objective forces in the development process: how speci-
fic material conditions give rise to particular forms of consciousness
and how consciousness can then become a mobilizing material force and
transform the initial material conditions from which it arises.
Second, that alliances between classes that do not share common
class interests are necessarily conjunctural, as they do not resolve ob-
jective contradictions inherent in their distinct class interests which
fix the horizon of the class' struggle, given that classes exist only in
class struggle,
In other words, alliances of classes that share no commonality of
class interests represents necessarily a contradictory unity. The objec- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 61153 (1 views)