The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 23)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 23)
tively determined contradictions involved in this unity tend to ultimate-
ly assert themselves and hence, defy the essentially conjunctural allian-
ces, tt
The present study seeks to examine objective conditions related to
class alliance in a peculiar context: not between different classes of
the same nationality but rather between classes of different nationali-
ties with contradictory national aspirations who may share common class
interests as the exploited classes. It seeks to examine objective condi-
tions for potential cross-national alliance on proletarian class lines
between Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-Arab producers who are subjected
to direct exploitation by one and the same nationally ruling class.
It is a question of alliance between classes from different social
formations characterized not only by a relation of domination/subordina-
tion, but also by deformation and replacement of one by the other. -”
Examining the objective conditions for potential cross-national pro-
letarian alliance among Israeli-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs refers, in
this study, merely to the terrain of class location. These are distin-
guished here from the subjective condition indispensable for actual pro-
letarian alliance which rather refers to the terrain of class position
and the conjuncture, 2?
Concretely, examining the objective conditions for proletarian al-
liances in this context is examining the formation of a Palestinian work-
ing class by Israeli-Jewish capital, assuming the existence of a Jewish
working class exploited by the same ruling class,
Formulated more precisely, Palestinian-Arabs penetrating the Israeli
labor market promote the objective conditions for cross-national prole-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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