The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 24)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 24)
- المحتوى
tarian alliance if they are actually entering proletariat class locations
and are predominantly joining, not replacing, Jews in the social division
of labor. Expressed differently, if they represent an increase in the
number of Arabs and Jews who jointly belong to the working class and
hence, share common class interests, This is examining the possibility
of a developing commonality of class interest.
This question may sound irrelevant under other conditions. The whole
notion of proletarian internationalism is based on the assumption of com-
monality of proletarian class interests across national boundaries, This
notion is increasingly reinforced by the essential internationalization
of capital, including the international socialization of the labor pro-
cess and the productive forces (the international firm).
Under the concrete and specific conditions of Palestine, the rele-
vance and rationale for the question formulated as such derives from the
fact that the class interests of the native Palestinian-Arab producers
and Jewish producers have been utterly counterposed under Zionist settler
colonialism and more specifically under the hegemony of its proletarian
ideology: the commitment for the formation of exclusively Jewish producing
classes in Palestine, which in practice meant the deformation and replace-
ment of the native producing classes.
Since the 1920s, much left-Zionist and Communist efforts have been
invested in the direction of creating an alliance between Arab and Jewish
toilers in Palestine. Not only that these efforts have not materialized
in any expressions of actual class solidarity, but also that they could
have at best developed class alliance between the two groupings only
in the sense of contradictory class unity, Objectively contradictory - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 61153 (1 views)