The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 27)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 27)
that it is essentially the coersive “freedom' to sell one's own labor
power that defines the proletariat. Accordingly, wage labor is the de-
termining criterion of proletarian class locations,
In contrast with both arguments, still others argue that although
all proletarians are wage-workers, not all wage-workers are proletarians?®
Implicit in this view is that the separation from the means of production
and wage-labor are necessary but not sufficient criteria for defining
proletarian class locations. Accordingly, the proletariat is defined by
specific form(s) of wage-labor. What forms of wage-labor are proletarian
is also controversial. Some Marxists argue that only productive (produces
surplus value directly) labor is proletarian;!” other Marxists argue that
not only productive labor is proletarian. ~°
Before entering the controversy regarding what wage-labor is prole-
tarian, let us first conclude the initial debate on the more general cri-
Of course, the three different arguments have different implications
on the size of the proletariat. The proletariat is the largest by the
first criteria, as it includes all non-owners regardless of whether they
perform wage-labor or not, There is a good reason for this criteria in
the Third World, where the majority of the population is displaced peas-—
antry with no access to employment, and is maintained this way precisely
subject to the logic of capitalist accumulation. They are dispossessed
and made free of property relation but not "free" to sell their labor
power, This can be more appropriate a criterion in defining proletarian
class position than in defining proletarian class location, which is ob-
jectively determined by the class antagonism inherent in the very creation
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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