The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 29)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 29)
proletariat.-° Others, like A. Szymanski, argue that the proletariat in-
cludes low-level, routinized white collar employees as well.7? Harry
Braverman, the advocate of the proletarian location of clerical labor,
maintains that "while the working class in production is the result of
several centuries of capitalist development, clerical labor is largely
the product of the period of monopoly capitalism. -/. Clerical work as a
2 cJ e eo eo 2
capitalist labor process and clerical worker as proletariat in new form.
At this point, the controversy enters another level of complexity,
focusing mainly on why productive labor? What labor is productive? Whe-
ther or not the new wage-earning groupings who belong to the mushrooming
service sector belong also to the proletariat.
As summed up by Jan Gough:
"In his theories of surplus-value, Marx defined productive
labor under capitalism as labor which produces commodity value
and hence surplus value for capital; this excludes all labor
which is not exchanged against capital, self-employed propri-
etors~-farmers, artisans, handicraftsmen, tradesmen, profes-
sionals, all other self-employed -- are according to this defi-~
nition not productive workers because their labor is not ex-
changed for capital and does not contribute directly to the
increase of capital. Even more, they fall outside of the dis-
tinction between productive and unproductive labor, because
they are outside the capitalist mode of production." 26
This is, in fact, a distinction between capitalist productive labor and
non-capitalist productive labor. This is inadequate. For our purpose, it
is equally important to draw the line between productive and unproductive
labor under capitalist relations.
Poulantzas argues that in Marx's analysis, the working class is de-
fined not by wage-labor (purchase and sale of labor power) but by produc-
tive-labor (which, under capitalism, means labor that directly produces
surplus-value), Therefore, it is only those earners who depend on produc—
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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