The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 30)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 30)
tive capital that produces surplus-value, Wage-earners who depend on the
sphere of the circulation and realization of surplus-value do not form part
of the working class, since these forms of capital and the laborer who de-
pends on them do not produce surplus-value, ~/
For Poulantzas, the working class is defined by the fundamental class
antagonism within capitalism between direct producers, who are separated
from the means of production and produce the social surplus product in the
form of surplus-value, and the bourgeoisie, who own the means of produc-
tion and appropriate surplus-value. Accordingly, unproductive wage-earners
while clearly not members of the bourgeoisie, do not contribute to the
production of surplus-value, Thus, they are not directly exploited in the
form of dominant capitalist relation of exploitation and so, Poulantzas
argues, cannot be included in the working class.
The arguments with regard to the boundaries of the working class
have focused, thus far, on economic criteria. But social classes are de-
fined not only by economic, but also by political and ideological criteria
as well. It is in Poulantzas' analysis that this point is most seriously
considered. Perhaps the most distinctive premise underlying Poulantzas'
analysis is that classes are structurally determined, not only at the eco-
nomic level, but at the political and ideological levels as well. While
it is true that the eocnomic place of the social agents has a principal
role in determining social classes, their position in ideological and poli-
tical relations of domination and subordination may be equally important.
Based on all these theoretical considerations, Poulantzas' basic conclusion
is that only manual, non-supervisory workers who produce surplus~value di-
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rectly (productive labor) should be included in the proletariat.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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