The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 31)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 31)
Productive, manual, and non~-supervisory labor categories are the cri-
teria by which Poulantzas defines proletarian locations only in the pro-
duction process. Agreeing with him, however, classes are determined prin-
cipally but not exclusively in the production process. °° Relations of
ideological-political domination/subordination outside the production pro-
cess are included in the objective determination of class location.
In Poulantzas' words:
"The determination of classes involves political and ideological
relations....Political and ideological relations are material-
ized and embodied as material practices in the State apparatuses
..--The analysis of social classes can only be undertaken in
terms of their relationship with the apparatuses, and with the
State apparatuses in particular." 31
This emphasis on the ideological-political relations of domination/subordi-
nation in the objective determination of class location is an important
innovation in Marxist theory, attributed to the Althosgerian Structuralist
school from which Poulantzas comes. The significance of this innovation
(the structural criteria of the determining of class location) lies in
transcending the controversial "class-in-itself"/"class-for-itself" dichot-
omy, a dichotomy that, although it is often erroneously attributed to
Lucas, in fact originated in Marx's writing. >? Although it contradicts
the class struggle paradigm, that classes exist only in class struggle, it
is class struggle that makes history.
Despite the importance of this innovation, and in contrast with his
criteria of proletarian locations where he is very definite and specific
about the labor categories that are and are not proletarian, his structural
criteria regarding the political and ideological relations of domination/
subordination remains vague and unspecified.
It is not clear, for example, what Poulantzas means by the social
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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