The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 32)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 32)
division of labor, how he distinguishes it from the production process,
and whether he equates it with the social formation, the site of class
struggle and formation.
Can it possibly mean that relations to the ideological-political ap-
paratus, outside the production process, may in some cases predominate?
More concretely, is it likely that productive, manual, non-supervisory
employees may belong to different social classes because one segment is
ideologically and/or politically dominant and the other segment is subor-
dinate by virtue of their differential relations to the State apparatus?
This question remains also unanswered by Poulantzas. It brings to mind the
notion of "contradictory class location" developed by Erik Olin Wright; and
denoting that social agents can belong simultaneously to different class
location. We reject this notion on the basis that it negates the concept
of social classes as social forces with distinct interests that are objec-
tively determined by the location and which fixes the horizon of the class'
struggle. Classes can take contradictory class positions but contradictory
class locations undermine the concept of class and class struggle.
To answer the question posed above, it is our position that the struc-
tural criteria (ideological-political relations to the State apparatus)
do not affect the objective determination of class location -- the boundar-
ies of social classes as such. It rather affects intra-class differentia-
tion, meaning here the objective determination of class fractions. Further-
more, Poulantzas does not specify what kind of relation to the State appar-
atuses or degree of political-ideological domination/subordination defines
the boundaries of different social classes, specifically the proletariat.
Moreover, he does not specify the relation between the objective determina-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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