The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 34)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 34)
Poulantzas' emphasis on the structural determination of class loca-
tion in terms of political and ideological relations which only exist inso-
far as they are materialized in such apparatuses, is thus most appropriate
for this context and indispensable for the class analysis undertaken. This
is only one of two reasons underlying our choice of Poulantzas' criteria of
the determination of proletarian class location to be employed in this
The second reason derives, not from the specificity of the concrete
contextual conditions, as in the case in the former reason. It rather de-
rives from the nature of our research question. Given that a main objec-
tive of this study is to examine the extent to which Palestinian workers
penetrating the Israeli labor market improve the objective conditions in
terms of entering proletarian locations and representing an increase in
shared proletarian class locations, then it is our research strategy to
use the criteria likely to give the most conservative estimates. The valid-
ity of our conclusions is greater in the case of underestimation than over-
estimation of the actual size of shared locations.
Poulantzas' criteria, defining the boundaries of the working class
even exclusively in terms of place in the production process, is the most
narrow and it is seriously criticized by Marxists, for it substantially
reduces the size of the working class.>" If by this criteria our findings
indicate a tendency towards the improvement of the objective conditions
for potential proletarian alliances, then findings by any other criteria
are likely only to reinforce the validity of this conclusion.
In the case that findings by this criteria prove to the contrary,
that Palestinian labor penetrating the Israeli labor market does not repre-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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